Holiday with Writing

This year I am getting all set for my upcoming holiday by looking out a new notebook and making sure I have everything I need in it so I can work on any short story ideas I have while I am away – no large targets or anything, just a few hundred words, or whatever I find time to do. I also made sure Scrivener was up to date on my iPad. I did this before I packed my clothes…

Mostly the reason I did it so early was because of the background fear in my brain – that I will lose the will to write again, that by going away on holiday I will forget the pleasure I have when I write. If I keep writing when I am on holiday, I can’t forget it, can’t lose it again. I keep telling myself that I can do this, will do this. This year is my year, it will be what I make it. And I want to make it the year I send a fully revised novel to a publisher.

Something else I did before I packed the actual proper essentials was load up the kindle with a tun of my to-be-read pile of book. I have been lax this year in reading, I let writing be everything, I am working on a better balance, but I always read a lot when I am on holiday. On the sunbed. By the pool. At the bar 😀

I have now packed everything else, and am ready to go, thankfully. Music is loaded, books are loaded, sunshine awaits me.

Once my holiday is over I will be getting into the revision of Ride the Rainbow, and hopefully find a balance to do it, and edit a few of other short stories I have been writing, and work on a new novel at the same time. I might have to choose between the projects, depending on my time, or only do a small amount of work on each.

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